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Use of cookies on our sites




We offer a range of 网站s and services to our members, customers and other web users, and these use cookies in varying ways for example:

  • Deliver the services that you have chosen.
  • Remember information about you, so you don’t have to give it to us again.
  • 让你签到.
  • 帮助我们了解人们是如何使用我们的服务的,这样我们就可以做得更好.
  • To deliver advertising.
  • 通过记住您的偏好和设置,帮助我们个性化您的体验.
  • To find out if our emails have been read and if you find them useful.

广告, marketing and analytical cookies we obtain your consent, but performance and functionality cookies will always be set, 默认情况下, as ‘on’ as these support 网站 usage and journeys.    

有关在浏览器中更改cookie设置的更多信息,请访问 AllAbout饼干 网站.





这些cookie是由您正在访问的网站的所有者以外的人设置的. 我们的一些网页也可能包含来自其他网站(如YouTube或Flickr)的内容, which may set their own cookies. 也, 如果你分享一个链接, the service you share it on (for example, Facebook) may set a cookie on your browser. 我们无法控制第三方cookie——您可以关闭它们,但不能通过我们关闭.

第三方的饼干 we use include: 

  • 我们的电邮服务, 阿德斯特拉供应, to inform our members and contacts of relevant activities, 事件, services and products. 的 levels of response to these emails are tracked, in order to improve the effectiveness of our communications. 
  • 新萄新京十大正规网站.tv, which uses Stream UK to deliver webcasts. 的se appear mostly on the 新萄新京十大正规网站.tv site but are also embedded in some web pages elsewhere.
  • 的 electronic information services provided to members by the 新萄新京十大正规网站 Library. Some pages, especially in E&包括来自Twitter、YouTube、Flickr和其他服务的内容.
  • AddThis社交书签和分享小工具出现在我们的一些网站上,如E&T杂志.
  • Olark和Response Tap用于现场聊天和电话呼叫个性化,这在我们的场馆网站上使用





当我们需要在多个浏览会话中知道您是谁时,我们会使用持久cookie. 例如,我们使用它们来记住您下次访问时的偏好.


的se cookies let you use all the different parts of the 网站. Without them, services that you’ve asked for can’t be provided.

Some examples of how we use these cookies are:

  • When you sign into the 网站
  • Remembering security settings that affect access to certain content
  • 收集访问者最常访问的网页信息,以便我们改进在线服务.



Some examples of how we use these cookies are:

  • 记住你最喜欢的内容的选择,并帮助你做一些事情,如评论博客
  • 记住您以前是否访问过该网站,以便不会向您显示新访问者的信息
  • Remembering settings on the 网站 like colour, font size and layout.


我们或第三方服务提供商使用这些cookie来分析我们网站的使用情况及其运行情况. 例如, 当您请求基于您所在位置的服务时,我们使用cookie来了解您所在的国家. 我们还使用来自Google Analytics和Hotjar的一些cookie来获取有关我们网站的网络分析和情报.

这些工具使用编程代码来收集有关您与我们网站互动的信息, such as the pages you visit, the links you click on and how long you are on our site. 的se tools do not store any personal identifiable information.

Marketing and 广告饼干

我们的一些网站使用营销和广告cookie来帮助个性化内容, 定制和衡量广告的交付和有效性,并提供更安全的体验. 这些cookie还可以跟踪您在不同网站的浏览情况. 


我们的一些网站使用广告cookie向您展示特别有针对性的广告. 这些cookie还可以跟踪您在不同网站的浏览情况. 

Using cookies for advertising

We may display advertising on our 网站 and apps.

你可以 view a list of the cookies we use here.

Using your data to personalise the adverts shown

We may collect and analyse data about your device (e.g. your IP address and cookie IDs) and your use of our services (e.g. what articles you read).

在某些情况下, 我们的数字团队将使用Hotjar提供的技术来收集用户行为及其设备的数据. 

为了向您量身定制和发送广告,我们可能会通过我们的在线服务收集您的数据. 这些数据有助于我们预测您可能感兴趣的内容,并根据您的兴趣向您展示量身定制的广告. 这通常被称为在线行为广告(OBA)或基于兴趣的广告. 并非我们展示的所有广告都是根据你的数据和兴趣量身定制的. We may also tailor our adverts based on the content you are viewing, contextual advertising; for example, if you are reading an article then we might show you related ads.

Cross-device tracking

您的浏览活动可能会在不同的网站和不同的设备或应用程序中被跟踪. If you are not signed in to a web service, we may attempt to match your browsing activity on one device, 比如你的笔记本电脑, with your browsing activity on another device, such as your smartphone, so that we can improve the relevance of the advertising delivered to you.


我们将征得您的同意,使用营销、行为和分析cookie.  Consent will be obtained from you when you first enter one of our 网站s.  你可以 change your preferences at any time.

如果您选择更改您的设置,您可能仍然会在我们的网站上看到广告, 但它们可能与你不太相关,因为它们不会根据你的兴趣量身定制.

Change your browser settings

你可以通过调整浏览器设置来防止你的浏览被跟踪, browsing in ‘private mode’ or using browser add-ons.

您可以通过访问浏览器的相关支持页面了解如何做到这一点, or by using the help function on your browser:

Ad Choices tools for web browsers

您还可以使用广告行业机构的选择退出工具,在本网站和更广泛的互联网上选择退出定向广告, 包括:

  • European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA)
  • Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA)
  • Network Advertising Initiative (NAI)

Ad choices for mobile applications

如果您通过移动设备上的网页浏览器访问我们的服务, you should follow the instructions above.



  • Apple iOS (请 visit the Apple support page for more information)
    1. 进入设置 > 隐私 > Advertising
    2. Turn on Limit Ad Tracking 
  • Google Android (请 visit the Google support page for more information)
    1. 进入设置
    2. Select Google in the Accounts section
    3. Select Ads in the 隐私 section
  • Tick Opt-out of interest-based ads
    Microsoft Windows(请访问Microsoft支持页面以获取更多信息)
    1. 进入设置
    2. 点击隐私
    3. 点击“广告ID”,关闭“让应用使用我的广告ID进行跨应用体验”

Other tracking technologies

Some sites use things like web beacons, 清晰的gif, 网页标签和网络漏洞,以了解人们如何使用它们,并针对他们投放广告.

它们通常以嵌入在网页或电子邮件中的小而透明的图像的形式出现. 的y work with cookies and capture data like your IP address, when you viewed the page or email, what device you were using and where you were. 


contact the Data Protection Officer if you would like more information.